My dad used to say there are only two things you can be sure of....Death and Taxes. Well he proved half his theory in 1979, and I miss him, but I am not sure about the other half. After watching all the news concerning Corporate America and Wall Street I think some folks do avoid taxes.
I have been teaching in College classrooms since 1989. In one of my classes I referred to a Taca Airliner that went down in New Orleans in 1988, when I was a student there in Graduate School. The airliner lost all power. On the way down a minister stood up and shared Christ with the passengers. Many of them accepted Christ thinking they would be standing before Him in just a few minutes. One girl in the back of my class raised her hand and said, "Yes but if we knew we were going to die we would all make a decision concerning God." I paused for a moment and gave her brain time to catch up with her mouth and then in a few seconds she exclaimed Ohhhhhhh!!! That's right, she understood that one out of one die eventually. I read another statistic this week. It said 95% of those who claim to be Christians never lead anyone to Christ. Could that possibly be true?
Now go back and look at the first picture again. The airliner glided to a safe landing beside a Levee. If you look in the lower left hand corner of the picture you will see the 737. Test pilots flew the plane out a few days later. I wonder if there is anyone you need to talk to about this alarming statistic....One out of One Die. Happy Landings
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