It may be interesting to know that the only thing the Disciples ever asked Jesus to teach them was, how to Pray. If it was me I would have asked Him to teach me how to walk on water, raise the dead, feed 5000 with only two small fish and a few barley loaves. But in Luke 11:1 they asked Jesus to teach them how to Pray. It must be important, very important. I heard someone say once there are two times to pray; When you feel like it and ,When you don't. I hope you set aside a time each day to pray. My wife and I pray each night before going to bed. We never miss. Even if we are tired no matter where we are , we pray. Thessalonians says we should Pray Without Ceasing. Why don't you take the time right now to pray. You will find it makes a difference for the person or the situation you are praying for. But, to tell you the truth the biggest difference praying makes is in you.
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