Sometimes we feel like we are all alone, even in a crowd. It is a though no one knows us or really cares about what is happening in our lives. God does care and He sent Christ to us so that we would know we were not alone. He said He would never leave us or forsake us.
John 16:32 Jesus said " I am not alone because the Father is with me.
It is a great comfort to know that I am never alone . Christ is closer to me that my next breath. If I wake up in the middle of the night He is there to hear my prayer. When no one else seems to be concerned we view the Cross and know Christ is concerned even enough to give His life for us.
Whenever I begin to feel alone I remember the words to a great Hymn:
He Lives He Lives Christ Jesus Lives today,
He Walks with me and talks with me
along life's narrow way,
He Lives He Lives Salvation to impart,
You ask how I know He lives,
He Lives within my Heart.
Today I am beginning something new. A question of the day. To answer click the comment tab below. Then check name or anonymous. Then enter your answer. I will give the correct answer tomorrow.
Question: How many days did it take Nehemiah to complete to complete the wall around Jerusalem?
Trivia is fun. So, after reading about the 12 million people who helped build the wall, 52 days?