He was finally here, the baby God had promised her. A baby like any other baby, yet like no other baby for he was God’s own son. A miracle—and she was part of that miracle. So was Joseph, for he had chosen to trust God and her that this baby was indeed a miracle and not cause for shame. Together, they marveled at all that had come to pass since the angel had told Mary she would give birth to the Son of God. And now here they were in Bethlehem and Messiah was here, just like the prophets had foretold. There were other prophecies, too, and they frightened her now as she held the baby close. He was so perfect, so tiny, and she loved him with all her heart that she was sure would one day be broken. But for now, he was hers to care for and watch over and love, and the joy of his coming overwhelmed her. She whispered his name—Jesus!-- and her heart was at peace.
By Hazel King
© 2008
(Photo by Hazel King)
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