Psalms 46:2 Therefore we will not fear, though the earth should change...
Change is coming, you can feel it in the air. The season is changing and so are we. That is the way God created it. Nothing really stays the same except God. This Christmas there may be new members of the family by marriage or by birth. There may also be those who are absent by divorce or by death. Many will have a different job than they had last year and, some will not have a job at all. As we gather this Christmas there will be stories to tell, news to catch up on. We are a little older, hopefully wiser and, most importantly maybe a little more aware of the one for whom the Holiday is named. That's right, Christ. The reason for the season. That first Christmas they brought gifts of Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh. That's not really what Christ has on His wish list this year. So what does he want, you ask? You , the answer is he wants you. All of you , your heart, your life, your devotion, your eternity. So Give yourself the gift that keeps on giving. Give your Heart to Christ. If you need help in knowing how to do that write to me nc_jeff@hotmail.com. Merry Christmas. I hope I was the first to tell you that this year.
What a beautiful picture! What a true message. On going change is scary. I'm glad we have Jesus.