The Bible says that Christ was born for you.
Luke 2:11 ...There has been born for YOU a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.
This message is Personal. Christ was born for you. He was aware of you from the beginning of the world. He knew your name as he died on the Cross. He has a plan He would love to see fulfilled in your life.
This message is Powerful. It has the ability to save your soul and give you eternal life. The assurance that when you die you will go to Heaven. The world can not promise you anything like that. Not Government, Wall Street, Medicine, Science, only God can do this Powerful work in our lives.
This message has great Potential. It is like medicine that is prescribed for you. It is only good if it is taken in. It does you no good in the bottle. We hear the Christmas songs. We see the decorations, special church services, living nativities. All the earth is declaring the Glory of God but it is for YOU. For God so loved _________ that He gave His only begotten Son. Insert your name in that blank, go ahead read it again and insert your name. Do it out loud. That is the message and meaning of Christmas. Christ came for You. Christ died for You. Merry Christmas.
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