Psalm 51:12
Restore to me the joy of Your salvation And sustain me with a willing spirit.
The car in the picture is a 1929 Ford. It takes not only knowledge but talent, passion , time, commitment, and great expense to restore a car to this condition. We have a couple of men in our Church that restore cars and they are passionate about it. When you go to their house they show them to you but really looking at the finished product you can not imagine all the time and effort and sometimes frustration that it took to get the car restored. God is in the restoration business. he is working on all of us. Also for Him it takes time, patience, passion, and great cost to get us in original condition. Restored to a redeemed relationship with our Creator and Savior. It cost Him His life. In addition to the Redemptive project God is trying to restore us many times after we have taken a fall, gotten banged up, bruised, rejected, disappointed. He loves each one of us and wants us to be the best we can be. I am sure sometimes He points to someone on earth and the angels say they are doing great, they look good, they are fulfilling your purpose for their life and God replies, " Yes but you should have seen them before the restoration."
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