II Timothy 1:7
For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline
Flannery O'Connor said;
"Even in the life of a Christian, faith rises and falls like the tides of an invisible sea."
If we are honest there are just some days when our faith is not as strong as others. At times like that I find it helpful to quote a favorite passage. For each of us the passage might be different but the results are the same. It strengthens us as we recite God's Word. It reminds us there is a God who is in control when we feel like our life is spinning out of control. For me that passage is the 23rd Psalm. Sometimes I say it out loud and sometimes just to myself. One such occasion was August 20th 2007. That morning I had a heart attack and found myself in the emergency room. As people were hurrying around me probing, sticking, preparing me for a heart Cathe I quietly recited the 23rd Psalm and it reminded me that I nor these people were in control but that God was my Shepherd and He would see me through. I encourage you to memorize a favorite passage and recite it often. You will be amazed how it will encourage you.
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