Psalm 119:130 (New Living Translation)
The teaching of your word gives light, so even the simple can understand.
The teaching of your word gives light, so even the simple can understand.
What are your first impressions as you look at this picture? I will share my first impressions with you concerning these people in this photograph. I assume they are Asian and that they are fisherman and for some reason believe that they might only get by on the money they make fishing. I could be completely wrong about all of those things but I do know this, these people in this picture probably know a lot more about fishing than I do. I could learn quite a bit from them. They may also know a lot more about life than I do. The only way to find out is to meet them and talk with them. Every person you meet every day knows something you do not know. A homeless person with a third grade education could teach a PhD something about life. You do not need a degree or a teaching position to teach. All you need is a heart that cares and something to share. So, today I hope two things happen. You take the time to teach someone something and that you also take the time to allow someone to teach you. Listen to a child they can teach us a lot. Things we once knew but have forgotten over time. Children know a great deal about love, joy, the wonder of imagination, and forgiveness. Have a great day, class is in session.
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