Most of us have pondered the question, “Why does God let bad things happen to good people?” God is not to blame, but SIN is the reason bad things happen to good people. All of the problems in the world can be summed up with that three-letter word. The economic turmoil is due to greed. Murders are a result of anger and jealousy. I recently watched a movie, Love Comes Softly, that I thought had a beautiful explanation to this question. The father uses his relationship with his daughter to explain God’s relationship with us.
"Why does God let unthinkable things happen to decent people?"
"Why does God let unthinkable things happen to decent people?"
Clark answered, "Missy could fall down and hurt herself, even if I am walking right there beside her. That doesn't mean that I allowed it to happen. But she knows with a father's unconditional love, I'll pick her up and I'll carry her, I'll try to heal her, I'll cry when she cries and I'll rejoice when she is well. In all the moments of my life God has been right there beside me. The Truth of God's love is not that he allows bad things to happen. It is his promise that he'll be there with us when they do."
You can watch this part of the movie on YouTube. It is within the first 3 ½ minutes of the clip.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=seV9y-WSLf8&feature=PlayList&p=AF63DC063C09B16C&index=7
Melissa Tew
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