"Life is not measured by how many breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away."
I don't know who said it but I do believe it is true. Is this day like any other or will it be special? You decide. The Bible tells us that our life is like vapor, here for such a short time and then ...gone. What will we do with this day God has given to us? We have the opportunity today to make a memory that we will carry forever. Or just breathe in and out and in 86,400 seconds another day will be gone and forgotten. Pick up the phone, call someone and tell them you love them. Bow your head and take a moment to thank God for this day. You may not be happy about the circumstances but those change like the weather. Do something different today that separates it from all the others. It may take a few moments to think of something different because we find ourselves caught in a rut but, we do not have to stay there. Call a good friend and take them to dinner. Surprise the children by leaving work early and going to a movie on a week day (It is less crowded) Send a card just to tell someone how much you miss them. It will make your day and theirs when they receive it. Complement a stranger, they will never forget it. Listen to this song and ask God what do you want me to do with this precious day?.................... How will you spend it?
Thank you so much. I read your message on Friday and it helped me through the ER trip my husband and I had to make for him. I kept reminding myself to breathe and we made it. The health crisis is not over, but it is a reminder that we need to be in the moment. Thank you. Anchor Baptist Community continues to support me!
ReplyDeleteJoan Hallman