1 Timothy 4:7 (New Living Translation)
7 Do not waste time arguing over godless ideas and old wives’ tales. Instead, train yourself to be godly.
7 Do not waste time arguing over godless ideas and old wives’ tales. Instead, train yourself to be godly.
Have you been watching the Olympics? The downhill skiers are traveling over 90mph and Ski Jumpers are jumping over 600 feet or two football fields. Now, what would happen if you or I strapped on a pair of skies and tried to run the downhill or go off the big jump? CRASH and BURN. Why, because we have not trained ourselves to do it. That is why so many people make such big mistakes and destroy their lives. They have not taken the time to train themselves, discipline themselves and so they are constantly crashing. We see it on the news all the time. People who are rich, educated, privileged, checking into rehab over and over. Moving from one unsuccessful relationship to another. Making huge amounts of money and finding themselves broke. No discipline, no training spells certain disaster on the slopes and in life.

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