1 Peter 3:15
But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,
Do you know how many Muslims are in the world? Do you know the country with the largest Muslim population? Do you know how many Muslims live in the United States? Is Jesus mentioned in the Quran? Do you know the two major divisions of Muslims in the world? Do Muslims believe in the virgin birth of Christ? Do Muslims believe in Heaven and Hell and a Day of Judgement? Well, if you have been attending our Wednesday night Bible Study the last 4 weeks you know the answers to all these questions and many more. Are we just studying for the sake of knowledge, no we are not. We are trying to learn so that when we are given the opportunity we can witness to people of other faiths more effectively. In addition Christians must know what we believe and why. Many Christians do not know their Bibles, can not explain the Trinity, have no idea how to lead someone to Christ. It has been said that only 5% of Christians will ever lead another person to Christ. I would encourage everyone to get involved in a Bible Believing Church, where the Bible is preached in Truth and Love. A place where the life Changing truth of Jesus Christ is preached and demonstrated. A Church where you can discover your Spiritual Gifts and how to use them to Minister to others If someone were to ask you why you believe in Jesus Christ....Do You Have an Answer?
If you need answers to these questions or others please feel free to visit our website:
There are over 1 Billion Muslims in the World, the most populated Muslim country is Indonesia, and Jesus is mentioned in the Quran.... many times.
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