John 1:14
And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth.
A lady thought this would be a great gag. She used this as her Christmas decorations. A staged scene of a man hanging from a house with the fallen ladder. Well, it backfired and there were so many 911 calls that the police made her take it down. People even drove up in her yard to try and rescue the poor guy. One man hurt himself trying to put the ladder back up. Just remember Christmas is about Christ. All the other stuff is fun and it is great to get together with family, open presents, drink hot chocolate, sing Christmas songs. Nothing is wrong with any of that as long as we keep our priorities in order. We invite you to our Christmas Eve service at 6:00pm at Anchor Baptist Church, 300 Futch Creek Rd. in the Porters Neck area off of Highway 17. We will have a Candle light service and observe the Lord's Supper. I hope you and your family can come and join us for this very special Christmas tradition that reminds us of the real reason to celebrate Christmas. Click on the link and enjoy a great Christmas Classic.
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