Psalm 54:6
Willingly I will sacrifice to You; I will give thanks to Your name, O LORD, for it is good.
Want to have some real fun today, make a difference in the world, help to make someones day brighter. Well then here is what you do. Go and get a card and write something nice in it to someone you know but don't sign it. Just tell them what a difference they have made in your life. How being around them makes your day better. Come on do it. We all like to get mail. Think how it will encourage them. It may be just what they need. The name that came to your mind is the one God wants you to send the card to. Well?
Click on the link below and decide who to send it to as you listen to the song:
I am so thankful for the people God has placed in my life to teach, comfort and encourage. They all came at the perfect time because God's timing is perfect. Thank you!