Matthew 5:4
"Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.
Across our country today will be a day of mourning and remembrance. Memorial services will abound. But, for those who lost loved ones on September 11,2001 everyday is a memorial day and everyday there is the reality that the person they are missing will never come home. God will be there to comfort them if they allow Him to but there will always be that sense of loss and what might have been if it had not happened. Many ask where was God on that day. We don't always ask that when good things happen but if something bad happens God is immediately called into question. Over the last 20-30 years our country has tried to push God out of sight. He is not allowed in the schools, or public arena, prayer is forbidden and text books are void of references to our Christian heritage. But let something bad happen and the American people run to God like a crying child runs to their parents for comfort. Where was God... right where He has always been. It is not God who has moved but our post modern society.
Click on the link below, share this video with a friend it might change their life.
A word to people living in the Wilmington area who read this Blog. Anchor Baptist Church will be having a special service this coming Sunday September 13th Entitled "Remember" It will honor the memory of those who died in the 9/11 tragedy but it will also honor the One who died that we can have Eternal Life. We must always REMEMBER that. Anchor Baptist is located at 300 Futch Creek Road in the Porters Neck area off of Highway 17. Our Service begins at 10:30 am.You are Invited. Below is a Link to our Web-Site where you can find directions. http://www.anchorbaptistwilmington.com/
Kevin Groves is our new Worship Leader, we invite you to come and Worship with us this Sunday.
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