Proverbs 15:1 A gentle answer turns away wrath, But a harsh word stirs up anger.
I remember a story about a man sitting on the front porch with his future son in law, and he was sharing some great advice with the young man. He gave him a present. When the young man opened it he discovered a old time pocket watch. When he opened the cover on the inside there was an inscription. It read, " Say something nice to Mary every day." Great advice. We should all practice it. I hear parents talking to children in harsh tones. Husbands and wives exchanging sharp words. We often talk to complete strangers kinder than we do the people we say we love. We should all make it a practice to say something nice to those we love everyday. This devotion is more than something we should read today, it is something we should do. Right now would be a good time.
I welcome your comments, and prayer requests. nc_jeff@hotmail.com
Great advice! We need to put into practice.