I am sure you recognize this as Nike's slogan. It is also good to apply to out daily lives and it is also Biblical. The Greek word "Nike" means victory. If we want to have victory in our lives we have to "Just Do It", which begs the question....Do What?
James 4:17
Therefore, to one who knows the right thing to do and does not do it, to him it is sin.
Do the right thing. The question is not what should I do but, what will I do when faced with a choice. So, when we are presented with that choice and know the right thing to do we need to "Just Do It" We are presented with choices daily, actually many times a day. A few years ago there was a popular saying WWJD, which stood for What Would Jesus Do? That is a good question but a better question is WWID, What Will I Do? As we develop the mind of Christ we are able to discern what Jesus would do in a situation. Once we know that we then need to translate that into action. So today when you see an opportunity to help someone, pray for someone, witness to someone, encourage someone.......
Just Do It.
I welcome your comments. It lets me know someone is reading these devotions
I read the devotions everyday. I don't always comment, but they are always thought provoking. I need an uplift most days and these help. Please keep them up. Thanks
ReplyDeleteHey jeff!!! Me and Rachel were talking about you and she told me about your devotions!! Awesome! I miss you and hope all is well. Tell Carol we said hello.
Amber, Mike, and Jordan Thornton
Oh yeah! Mike and I will be at UNCW on Monday the 19th for an event with the people we went to Israel with. We would love to see you. Here is my e-mail or Mike's.
These devotions are wonderful! I read them everyday & believe me, they help EVERY DAY!