Each morning I would walk down the hall of the College where I was teaching and and greet the students on the way to class. One morning I spoke to a girl and said, "How are you doing today?" She immediately burst into tears. I found a nearby vacant office and asked her what was the problem? She proceeded to tell me all the problems in her life and they were extensive. Relationship problems, bad health of her parents, financial worries. I listened and she cried. I then offered to have prayer with her and she went her way. Each day we pass people who are hurting. They may not say anything but behind their smile and polished exterior inside they are struggling. Sometimes they just need someone to listen. You don't have to fix it , just listen. Sometimes they need someone to pray with them. Sometimes they need a hug. Years ago I had a good friend and his wife who were expecting their first child. I received a phone call that they were on the way to the hospital, something was wrong. By the time I got their I found out they had lost the baby. My friend was also in the Ministry. As I entered the hospital room I just walked up to him and could not speak, tears filled my eyes and his. All I could do was hug him and we cried. Sometimes we do not have to quote scripture, have prayer, or explain the theological reasons for everything. Sometimes we just need to let people know we care. So, look for opportunities today to show your concern and love for others. Sometimes the pain is too much to BEAR alone.
Hey Jeff! This is Rachel Kitchens--Mrs. Hazel & I were talking about you the other day, and she gave me the address for this blog--ANYWHO.. I just wanted to say that this is amazing & each one has spoken to me. I look forward to reading more and more, and miss you VERY much!!