This is a Magnificent Building. Actually it is a Church. Some make the mistake of calling a Church God's House implying that He lives there, resides there and we visit Him at His House on Sundays. However the Bible is clear that God does not reside in houses made by human hands. So where does He live? The scripture is also clear about that. I Corinthians Chapter 3:9 says that you are God's building. He lives in you. In Corinthians 3:16 it says that you are the temple of God, that the spirit of God dwells, resides, lives in you. He goes where you go, hears what you hear, sees what you see. He wants to live in you but will only move in by personal invitation. Revelation 3:20. There used to be a rhyme that we recited as kids that included hand motions. It goes like this:
Here's the Church
Here's the Steeple
Open the doors and
Here's all the people.
With the help of a good friend of mine who has since gone to heaven we changed it to be more Biblically correct.
Here's the Building
Here's the Steeple
Open the Doors
The Church is the People
If you are not sure how to invite Christ into your life so that He can live in you feel free to contact me nc_jeff@hotmail.com
I'm gonna have to start reading these BEFORE I put my make-up on. What a great responsibilty we have to BE God's Love, and what an encouragement to know we can look within to find God's Love. Thank you for the reminder!